(Mine is set to 1014, but be very careful with this as a higher value than your card can handle will hard-crash your pc, 1014 is fine for 3gb cards.) (This is the amount of v-ram the game assigns for texture handling) (Mine is set at 5, again no pop-in with this setting)ĥ.Raise the 'Texture Memory Budget' in ttings under 'Rendering/TextureMemoryBudget=' (This is the distance at which the higher resolution texture files for character's heads get rendered) (Mine is set at 20000, don't go too low for this one or you will start to notice pop-in)Ĥ.Lower the 'Character Heads LOD distance' in ttings under 'Rendering/TextureStreamingHeadsDistanceLimit=' (This is the distance at which the general textures like walls fences etc. (Mine is set at 25, and I'm not getting any pop-in with this setting)ģ.Lower the 'General LOD distance' in ttings under 'Rendering/TextureStreamingDistanceLimit=' (This is the distance at which the higher resolution texture files for characters get rendered)
Try disable v sync if it is on the game is bad optimized for pc many people complain about its bad performanceġ.Turn on the mouse cursor setting in graphics menu.Ģ.Lower the 'Character LOD distance' in ttings under 'Rendering/TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit='