There really is nothing more painful than hearing your friends going on about how much fun Payday 2 is and buying a copy so that you can join them on your next heist, only to find out that it lags horribly on your PC. It’s tremendously satisfying to see the frustration of those players looking to compromise the integrity of your game. The mod works on flagged players and can be toggled on and off. With the Stop the Cheaters mod, you can make those pesky cheaters’ days just a little bit harder by forcing them to play the game at half-speed. It completely goes against the spirit of teamwork and, well, co-operation that co-op games are supposed to be based on.
When it comes to co-op games, there’s nothing more tiresome than a player using cheats. You can check out a full list of the new features on the mod’s page, but overall, when you have to fill some team slots with AI players, this mod is another great one for immersion. The Better Bots mod, well, makes the bots better by changing teammate AI to more closely emulate human players and give them a number of new abilities.